Monday, February 20, 2012

No Comment ;)

That awkward moment:  When you're telling a story to someone and they interrupt you to finish the story for you and then say, "Hah!  I know!  I read it on your blog!"

Oops.  Right.  I forgot I wrote about that...

I am always doing that.  

Here's the thing.  I never, ever assume that folks are taking time out of their busy lives to read my silly and sappy little musings.  But you know what?  They do!  And I'm thankful.  

I love hearing that something on this little piece of the world wide web made someone smile.  It makes me smile in return.  I usually hear comments like that out and about with friends.  It's really encouraging!

I spent a little time today reviewing some statistics for my blog, and do you know that we've got over 35,000 page views over here?  Wow!  I remember being excited about crossing the 10,000 mark not so very long ago.  This blog averages about 30 hits a day and close to 2,000 hits a month.  

But here's my question...who are all of you fun folks?!

I love, love, love hearing from my readers!  But I have no idea who most of you are!  For all of those hits we only see a comment or two per post.  Now don't worry; if you don't feel like commenting, I'm not worried at all!  No biggie.  

However, It's been brought to my attention that some of my readers don't know that they can actually leave a comment here on the blog if they so desire, because it's a little hard to find where to do it.  Want to know how?  Just scroll to the bottom of any post and in smallish, green letter it will say "Post a Comment."  If folks have already commented, it will say the number and the word "comments."  (i.e. "3 comments" or "1 comment")  Click that!  A little pop-up box will come up where you can write something like, "Sweet Pea is so cute!" or "Stop blogging and go mop your floors."  Whatever you want!  

Now, here's something else about comments: I love to respond to them, but Blogger unfortunately makes it a little tricky.  The best way for me to answer is for you to have an e-mail address associated with your Google account.  (Assuming you have a Google account.)  If you don't know how to do this, Google "no-reply blogger" and you'll get lots of links explaining how to do it!  It would be super awesome to be able to e-mail a reader back after they commented.  

So anyway, thank you for reading.  If you want to get in touch, feel free to leave a comment and I will try to answer you back!  Don't want to leave a comment here?  No problem and no pressure!  Oh, and sorry if all I've done is confused you more.  Technology isn't exactly my strong suit.  I can wield  Photoshop and that's about it! 


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I love your blog! Amazing pictures. I have a blog and I think my favorite part about the blog is seeing how many people visit each day and the comments I receive- so rewarding. Glad I found your blog because I loooove it =)

  2. I try to keep up with your posts, although I rarely comment. Bad habit I guess. But I do enjoy reading them!

  3. I enjoy reading your posts and seeing pictures, but don't usually comment. Sometimes I even win swagbucks for searching for your blog! :)

  4. hi. I read your blog. I actually went to elementary school with your hubby. Which i believe is how i found this. I usually use my feed reader to read but sometimes when i fall behind i go and read a whole bunch on your website at once. K thats all i have to say.

    1. :) I am so glad! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Thanks for all of the sweet comments, friends! :)


I love hearing from my readers! Thank you for taking the time to comment. All comments are reviewed before publishing.